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Home  < $30-$40 1 lb to 10 lbs Beef Organic Dog Food and/or Treats < Details < Page 1

Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 1 $30-$40 1 lb to 10 lbs Beef Organic Dog Food and/or Treats

Pet Greens Jerky Dog Treats Savory Beef 6-pack (24-oz)

Price: $38.99

Pet Greens Jerky Dog Treats Savory Beef are made with 90% real meat and organic wheat grass, which provides green nutrients to help curb chewing on chemically treated grass. These healthy morsels deliver a tasty reward for sitting up, rolling over, or just being lovable. You can give in to those big puppy-dog eyes without feeling guilty! Made with 90% real, savory beef and healthy greens grain-free and no corn, wheat gluten or soy for dogs with sensitive stomachs. No artificial colors or flavors Added chicory root that provides nourishing prebiotics for a healthy digestive system and absorption of nutrients Bite-sized pieces contain healthy wheat grass, a nutrient-rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber for improved digestion Chewy, jerky texture that your furry friend will love and is a safe alternative to houseplants and outside grass for an all natural, nutrient-rich treat
