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Home  < $30-$40 Under 8 oz. Potato Dental Treats Dog Food and/or Treats < Details < Page 1

Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 1 $30-$40 Under 8 oz. Potato Dental Treats Dog Food and/or Treats

Greenies Grain Free Treat-pak- Petite 60 Treats (36-oz)

Price: $37.99

GREENIES Grain-free Treat-Pak are irresistibly tasty dental treats that dogs love. The new grain-free formula was made for dogs with food sensitivities and was formulated with all-natural and easily digestible ingredients such as chickpeas and potato for a more natural and healthy diet. One delicious treat a day for your pup is all it takes to maintain that bright clean smile and fresh breath! The #1 vet-recommended dental chew for dogs Cleans teeth while controlling plaque and tartar buildup Freshens bad breath Low-fat dog treats Made from soluble, natural ingredients that break down quickly for safe and easy digestion
