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Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 2 $30-$40 Puppy Dog Treats

First Companion Beef Pizzle 12 Straight 3 Count

Price: $36.83

First Companionregs Beef Pizzle are a great natural chew for dogs of all sizes specially for teething puppies 100 Beef 100 Natural Single Ingredient No artificial color or flavoring Shrink Wrapped Sourced Made in the USA Minimally Processed Packaged to FDA Human Safety Standards Long Lasting GREAT for Dental Hygiene Aid for Puppy Teething Minimal Odor



Pet Greens Jerky Dog Treats Savory Beef 6-pack (24-oz)

Price: $38.99

Pet Greens Jerky Dog Treats Savory Beef are made with 90% real meat and organic wheat grass, which provides green nutrients to help curb chewing on chemically treated grass. These healthy morsels deliver a tasty reward for sitting up, rolling over, or just being lovable. You can give in to those big puppy-dog eyes without feeling guilty! Made with 90% real, savory beef and healthy greens grain-free and no corn, wheat gluten or soy for dogs with sensitive stomachs. No artificial colors or flavors Added chicory root that provides nourishing prebiotics for a healthy digestive system and absorption of nutrients Bite-sized pieces contain healthy wheat grass, a nutrient-rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber for improved digestion Chewy, jerky texture that your furry friend will love and is a safe alternative to houseplants and outside grass for an all natural, nutrient-rich treat
