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Dog Food and Dog Treats.
We have 1 1 lb to 10 lbs Freeze Dried Wet Dog Food

Sojos Complete Dog Food- Beef (2-lb)

Price: $21.03

Sojos® Complete Dog Food is a nutritionally complete freeze-dried dog food that will keep your beloved canine happy and healthy.  This healthy formulation includes real raw meat and is grain-free and free of , gluten, GMOs, soy, by-products, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, added sugar, and added salt to ensure that it is safe for your pets digestive system. Sojos Complete Dog Food provides up to 10 pounds of food with each 2-pound bag once water is added to unlock its nutrients and activate its enzymes. This resealable bag includes a delectable Beef recipe that is made here in the USA, but this flavor is also available in an 8-pound package. When it comes to food- dont settle for anything less- order Sojos Complete for your dog today! Key Features: Freeze-dried raw meat in formula that is free of GMOs, grains, soy, by-products, fillers, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors, added sugar or salt 2-pound resealable bag preserves freshness and makes 10 pounds of food by simply adding water 100% natural dog food Made in the USA Please Note: All food is shipped via ground delivery, only to the Contiguous (48) States. Please allow 7 to 10 days for your delivery to arrive. (More Info)
